Ensuring quality through testing, recording and complying with regulatory bodies is essential for you to st...
Eresource’s web based ERP solution that combines all business operations into a unified database system, in real time and online, including sales, service, operations and finance.
Eresource ERP system gives regular instructions to staff from any part of the world and also gets reports from them from any part of the world. Staff will be able to interact with other staff and keep record of their work sharing and reporting – to speed up jobs. Allow customers login and know the status of their job and send communications about orders.
Eresource ERP Solution helps you in automating the enterprise and speeds up transactions across the organization. Eresource ERP is the leading web-based ERP solution provider in India.
There are innumerable means of evaluating ERP performance. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no hard and fast rule as far as the appropriate method to be used is concerned. However, the organizations must decide and stick to one particular method, which must be put in use uniformly.
It is usually recommended to execute it midway through the ERP implementation. The next appraisal shall take place when the process is nearing completion. After ERP begins to operate the assessment shall take place within the time gap of 3, 6 and 12 months. These appraisals must be done on the basis of some set criteria. If these steps are not followed then the likelihood of the ERP’s success is limited.
The frequency of assessment depends on many factors such as the volume of business, ability to adapt to change and the characteristics features of the software that is in use. The performance assessment will not serve the purpose if these determinants are not taken into account. Besides, any other measure deemed to result in the benefit of ERP should be accounted for.
Traditionally the textile industry is highly concerned with the design or manufacture of clothing as well as the distribution and use of textiles. However, the industry has been changed extremely in the last few years.
Flexibility and rapid response has become essential qualities for any successful textile business. Achieving them requires dynamic management of the entire organization.
Eresource ERP system maintains the benefits of a standard package with a high level of adaptability, ensuring that the solution can be tailored to almost any requirement. Its modules could be configured to the needs of any textile business, whatever its size.
Eresource ERP provides a framework within which textile industries can organize their business and manufacturing know-how to create a vital management resource. Of course industry decision makers have to have rapid access to company data, but the most pressing need is to have answers to critical questions such as “What happens if…?”, “How can we…?”.
It is here that eresouece ERP demonstrates its superiority as an ERP tool.
The project management team is responsible for conducting the scheduled work, administering the project, communicating with the in-house team and the consultants.
The team members should monitor the implementation team’s progress, assess the amount and quality of the contribution of the team members – both in-house and consultants – and resolve the issues that exist. Since the project management team has the project manager, the consultant team’s head, the vendor team’s head and the work team leaders, most problems could be resolved at this level. If any problems cannot be resolved at this level, then the project manager will escalate it to the executive committee for resolution.
The project management team should also ensure that the company personnel and the consultants are working together as a team and that there is full co-operation between the two groups. They are also responsible for ensuring that the consultants are transferring their knowledge to the in-house team and all the documentation is done properly. The project management team should make sure that even after the external consultants and vendor representatives leave the system will run smoothly.
Integration of Supply Chain Management
When eBusiness is integrated with ERP, the whole extended system provides a vision of business processes that span multiple businesses and enterprises. In the most ideal case companies should be able to connect disparate platforms, applications and data formats across the value chain, including not only suppliers but customers as well. Furthermore, companies should retain the flexibility to change and add functions to applications as business needs evolve. Companies need to be able to adapt their ERP systems to the emerging world of eBusiness.
The major partners of the supply chain are the suppliers, the organization and the consumers and any other partners involved in the business transactions (like banks, middlemen, etc.). Supply chain refers to the complex network of relationships that organizations maintain with trading partners to procure manufacture and deliver products or services. Supply chain encompasses the facilities where raw materials, intermediate products and finished goods are acquired, transformed, stored and sold.
These facilities are connected by transportation links along which materials and products flow. Supply chain consists of many companies, individuals and institutions. Supply chain management is the coordination of material, information and financial flows between and among all the participants.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) software is designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and coordination with vendors and suppliers, transportation and shipping companies, intermediaries, and other partners by enabling faster bi-directional information sharing.
With a supply chain management software in place, a business can manage its entire network more effectively by overseeing all activities across all suppliers, production plants, and storage and distribution facilities.
It becomes easy to streamline and centralize their distribution strategy, and eliminate the logistical errors and lack of coordination that can lead to delays.
SCM increases visibility and enhance collaboration across the entire supply chain by sharing valuable information such as demand trend reports, forecasts, inventory levels, and transportation plans with suppliers and other partners.
It can also minimize storage costs and improve cash flow by better managing inventory levels and it also helps improve logistics tracking, corrects break-downs, inefficiencies, or problems in the supply chain before they become unmanageable.