Initially, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution was developed for the big organizations. It has also involved huge investment which was out of reach of small and medium sized industries (SMEs). However considering the benefits the ERP solutions have, the smaller organizations also explored the way to implemented it.
This attitude has paved the way for many locally made ERP solution providers entering the market with very effective applications which have turned to be ideal for small and medium sized companies. As the local ERP vendors were targeting the SMEs, they also kept the price tag in mind, which ultimately resulted in existence of some effective and affordable ERP products in the market.
Manufacturing was one of the sectors that have benefited most from ERP solution. It was due to timely ERP implementation. Other sectors also followed suit. Today, all industry segments are taking advantage of ERP solution and it is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury to have ERP implemented in an organization for its successful business operation.
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Before the evolution of ERP, manufacturing sector were running on manufacturing resource planning system. The manufacturing resource planning included all the sources in relation to the manufacturing such as material, human resource, equipment and finances. When the competitive strategy changed from low price and great variety to speed, ERP found the right place to give profit to this new strategy.
Contrary to the other applications, the ERP system connects to all the offices of a group of business throughout the entire world. ERP system allows the organizations to design products with the entrance of engineers all over the globe, installing factories in various areas to produce pieces and components for many countries, and the information of all the parties involved.
ERP offers solution that enables manufacturers to compete in the prevailing market atmosphere. It has the capacity of both finite and infinite planning capabilities which assist manufacturers to develop original schedule. ERP solution can also transform the supply chain to achieve production plan with sales plan, manufacturing, finance and customers.
ERP is changing the competitive landscape for SMB manufacturers. Small to midsize manufacturing companies can benefit from a fully integrated solution designed to reduce costs, improve customer service, increase margins and generate new revenue streams. Further, SMB manufacturers can improve business performance with a deeply functional, yet easily affordable, ERP solution. As the technology changed ERP solution also found its way to the web. Today web-enabled ERP solutions are the most effective solution available in the market.
What is to be cautious about the selection of an ERP system is, before you commit to any ERP system, you should first evaluate the system such as what your organization needs and wants to accomplish with its ERP strategy. The outcome of this evaluation will help you determine which applications and what kind of functionality your organization requires as well as go a long way toward easing the implementation.
Also Read – Essential manufacturing ERP modules to look for in the ERP system