Companies must know thoroughly what enterprise resource planning is before thinking to implement it. The catch word of ERP implementation is speed. The quicker it is realized the quicker and better are the advantages and delivery in terms of results. The returns are sought at a shorter period. This deviation from the conventional practice has become the order of the day as far as many companies are concerned. Previously Business Process Reengineering (BPR) played an essential role with respect to implementation. It is significant to distinguish the components of Enterprise Resource Planning.
This obviously cemented way to progress of gaps between the definite results and the one derived during the process of foreseeing. Tuning ERP as per the whims and fancies of the practices followed in the company became an everyday affair. This led to slogging and dragging beyond the time limits permitted. It was financially pinching and played confusion in the customer’s confidence. It is also essential to know that sheer ERP planning does not promise the profit of ERP. It has to be implemented as planned after understanding the components of enterprise resource planning.
In spite of having improved the implementation issues what remains still and unfettered is the way in which companies go ahead with ERP implementation. They do it for the heck of it and without following systematic procedures. In fact they don’t even test the desirability of going into ERP. Some issues that an organization has to address after defining enterprise resource planning are:
>> Popular information systems
>> Likelihood of fluctuations in the choice of technology
>> The ability of market players to stay in tune with it
>> The ways and means to implement a business applications like ERP
>> To benefit from the same so as to gain a competitive edge
>> Their usage and services
>> The necessity for innovating software applications
If an organization is capable to answer these questions without any uncertainty and validate the results then it can be said that it has a path or up focus in taking ERP. The questions mentioned above are fundamental and will even fix on the business model of the company. ERP implementation is essential in the entire procedure of ERP. They can take place only if one understands “What is enterprise resource planning?” and defining “enterprise resource planning” in their organization.
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